Showing posts with label statistic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label statistic. Show all posts

Median Formula For Grouped Data

Median Formula for Grouped Data

Median Formula for Grouped Data

Information :
F = Amount of frequencies earlier the median
f = Frequency of median class
c = Class length
n = Sum of frequencies
be = Bottom border of median class
Me = Median of data

Example :
Please decide the median value inwards the tabular array information below !

Answer :
be = 45 - 0,5 = 44.5
n = 8 + 10 + thirteen + 17 + fourteen + 11 + 7 = 80
F = 8 + ten + thirteen = 31
c = 35 - xxx = 5
f  = 17

So the median of the information is 47.15.

Just this article which I tin portion to you.
I apologize if at that spot are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The cease of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Reference :
  • Book math grouping sales together with accounting seek To'ali course of teaching 12

5 Kinds Of Diagrams Inward Statistics

Diagram is a description to exhibit or explicate a information to live on presented. Or other diagram definitions are certainly symbols that tin flame live on used to depict the means, procedures too activities that are usually implemented inwards a system. This fourth dimension I volition portion near v kinds of diagrams form.

1. Line diagram

Line diagram is a diagram mostly used to acquaint information obtained from fourth dimension to fourth dimension on a regular the world amongst a certainly distance. Generally work diagrams are frequently used to encounter the progress of something on an ongoing basis.

To push clitoris a work diagram it takes 2 axes, ie the vertical axis too the apartment axis. The apartment axis industrial plant to exhibit the time, too the axis is upright to exhibit its quantity such equally value, quantity, cost, income, too thence forth. Next, Draw each coordinate cry for that shows the observed information at a given time.

Here is an trial of a work diagram:

2. Bar diagram

Bar diagram is a diagram that presents information inwards the shape of vertical rectangles or horizontal rectangles. Bar diagram is to a greater extent than frequently than non used to depict the evolution value of a enquiry object inside a certainly time. The bar diagram shows descriptions amongst at nowadays or horizontal bars too is the same width amongst split upward trunks.

Here is an trial of a bar diagram :

3. Pie diagram

The pie nautical chart is a diagram to depict or stand upward for the information equally a circle image. Because of its representation equally a circle too then the information must shape a total too each datum (data item) tin flame live on expressed equally a per centum (having a certainly portion betwixt 0 to 100) against the data.

Here is an trial of a pie diagram :

4. Pictogram

The film diagram or pictogram is a diagram where the information is presented inwards the shape of drawings or paintings to stand upward for objects that display many actual objects. However, the method of information presentation using pictograms has its ain weaknesses such equally at that topographic point are pictures of people who exclusively seem half, it is used to stand upward for the publish of students who exclusively 10 people.

Here is an trial of a pictogram :

5. Histogram

The histogram is a graphical display of the frequency tabulation described inwards graphical bars equally a binary information manifestation. Each rod display shows the proportion of frequencies inwards each category deet that coexists amongst non-overlapping intervals.

H5N1 histogram is a block beam showing 1 sort of measuring of a physical care for or event. This graph is really suitable for the information inwards the grouping. Histogram is a neighboring frequency diagram that looks similar a bar chart. The following bar should coincide.

Here is an trial of a histogram :

Just this article which I tin flame portion to you.
I apologize if at that topographic point are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The destination of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb


How To Brand A Frequency Distribution Tabular Array For Grouped Data

Hello guys! :)
Back in 1 trial again amongst me the handsome blogger. This fourth dimension I volition part nigh how to brand the frequency distribution information tabular array group. There are vi steps to brand tabular array frequency distribution of information group, that is every bit follows :
  1. The root pace nosotros surfey the information volition endure created tabular array frequency distribution.
  2.  Determine the range.
  3. Specify the publish of classes for the tabular array interval.
  4. Determine the length of the interval class.
  5. Set the lower trammel of the root interval class.
  6. Observe how many equal numbers, inwards each shape together with write inwards the gibe column amongst the sign "|". And fill upwards inwards the publish of frequencies according to the publish of tally.

To endure to a greater extent than understanding, let's practise the vi steps into the next example:

Example :
Suppose in that place are information values for eighty students, amidst them are:
80 eighty lxx 68 ninety 92 eighty lxx 63 76
49 84 71 72 35 93 91 74 sixty 63

48 ninety 92 85 83 76 61 99 83 88

74 lxx 38 51 73 71 72 95 82 70

81 91 56 65 74 ninety 97 eighty sixty 66

98 93 81 93 43 72 91 59 67 88
87 82 74 83 86 67 88 71 89 79
82 78 73 86 68 75 81 77 63 75 

Answer :
let's move the vi steps to a higher house !

1. The root pace nosotros surfey the information volition endure created tabular array frequency distribution.
The information stimulate got been surveyed when the work is made, together with hence the information are:
80 eighty lxx 68 ninety 92 eighty lxx 63 76
49 84 71 72 35 93 91 74 sixty 63

48 ninety 92 85 83 76 61 99 83 88

74 lxx 38 51 73 71 72 95 82 70

81 91 56 65 74 ninety 97 eighty sixty 66

98 93 81 93 43 72 91 59 67 88
87 82 74 83 86 67 88 71 89 79
82 78 73 86 68 75 81 77 63 75

2. Determine the range.
Range tin endure determined past times subtracting the largest information amongst the smallest data.
Range = the largest information - the smallest data
Range = 99 - 35

Range = 64

3. Specify the publish of classes for the tabular array interval
The publish of classes tin endure searched past times the formula:
The publish of classes = 1 + 3.3 log n,  n is the amount of frequency data.
The publish of classes = 1 + 3.3 log 80
The publish of classes = 1  + (3.3) (1.9031)
The publish of classes = 7.2802
So nosotros tin do lists amongst the publish of classes 7 or 8

4. Determine the length of the interval class

The length of the shape interval tin endure searched by:
length of interval shape = Range / publish of classes
length of interval shape = 64 / 7

length of interval shape = 9.14
So the length of the shape nosotros tin stimulate got 9 or 10.

5. Set the lower trammel of the root interval class
The lower trammel of the root shape interval tin endure retrieved from the smallest information or information smaller than the smallest data. However, the deviation of less than the length of the shape together with the root shape should non stimulate got a frequency equal to zero.

So I stimulate got the lower trammel of the root interval is 31

6. Observe how many equal numbers, inwards each shape together with write inwards the gibe column amongst the sign "|". And fill upwards inwards the publish of frequencies according to the publish of tally.

Just this article which I tin part to you.
I apologize if in that place are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The destination of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb.


3 Basic Kinds Of Frequencies Inwards Statistics

In frequency statistics is a discover that indicates how many times a variable (denoted yesteryear the numbers) recurs inwards the sequence of numbers; or it tin sack hold upwards said how many times a variable appears inwards the sequence of numbers. There are iii kinds of frequencies inwards statistics, such as:

  1. Regular frequency
  2. Cumulative frequency
  3. Relative frequency

1. Regular frequency

Regular frequency is the discover of frequencies of each data. This regular frequency serves to demo the discover of frequencies of a data, in addition to thence it is non written repeatedly. The next is an representative of regular frequencies presented inwards a tabular array form:

2. Cumulative frequency

The cumulative frequency is the amount of the frequencies information amongst the frequency of the previous data. Cumulative frequency serves to facilitate the procedure of spreading the information later. hither is an representative of cumulative frequency inwards a tabular array form:

Information :

  • The dark-green columns are columns of cumulative frequency values

3. Relative frequency

The relative frequency is the frequency value inwards pct shape compared to the full discover of all data. Relative frequency is useful to facilitate the adjacent procedure inwards presenting the data. Here is an representative of relative frequencies inwards a tabular array form:

Information :

  • The dark-green columns are columns of relative frequency values

Just this article which I tin sack portion to you.
I apologize if at that topographic point are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The terminate of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb.


The Decile Formula For Unmarried Data

Desil is the cry for or value that divides all information into ten equal parts. Desil serves to stimulate upwardly one's heed the value of each ten pct throttle inward the distribution inward question. Here is the decile formula for a unmarried data:

The Decile Formula for Single Data

Location Di = Location of information (i(n + 1) / 10)

D = Decile
n = Number of data
i = 1,2, ..., 9 

Example :
Please stimulate upwardly one's heed the 1st decile of the information 1,2,3,4,5, ... , 99 !

Answer :

i = 8
n = 10
Location Di = Location of information (i(n + 1) / 10)
Location D1 = Location of information (1(99 + 1) / 10)

Location D1 = Location of information (1(100) / 10)

Location D1 = Location of information (100/ 10)
Location D1 = Location of information (10)
Location D1 = 10

So the 1st decile of data 1,2,3,4,5, ... , 99 is 10.

Just this article which I tin sack percentage to you.
I apologize if in that place are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The destination of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Reference :
  • Google

Percentile Formulas For Unmarried Data

Percentile is a stair out used inward statistics. Here is the Percentile Formulas for Single Data:

Percentile formula for unmarried data

Location of Pi = information to (i (n + 1) / 100)

P = Persentile
n = Number of data

i = 1,2, ..., 99

Please cause upward one's heed the 2nd percentile of 1,2,3, ..., 999!

n = 999
i = 2
Location of Pi = Location data: (i (n + 1) / 100)
Location of P2 = Location data: (2 (999 + 1) / 100)

Location of P2 = Location information : (2 (1,000) / 100)

Location of P2 = Location information : (2,000) / 100)

Location of P2 = Location information : 20th
So the 2nd percentile of 1,2,3, ..., 999 is the 20th information that is 20.

Just this article which I tin percentage to you.
I apologize if at that spot are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The halt of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

  • Google

Decile Formula For Grouped Data


Decile Formula for Grouped Data

Information :
Be = Bottom of Edge
Fi = Sum frequency earlier ith percentile data

fi = frequency of the ith percentile data

c = Class Length

Di = decile ith

i = 1,2, ... ,9

Example :
Please cause upwardly one's postulate heed the fifth decile from the information below !

Answer :
n = 8 + x + xiii + 17 + fourteen + xi + vii = 80
the place of the fifth decile = Location information : (5(80 + 1)/10)
the place of the fifth decile = Location information : (5(81)/10)
the place of the fifth decile = Location information : (5(81)/10)
the place of the fifth decile = Location information : (405/10)
the place of the fifth decile = Location information : 40,5
So the frequency of fifth decile = 17
f5 = 17
Be = 45 - 0,5 = 44.5
F5 = 8 + x + xiii = 31
c = 35 - thirty = 5

So the fifth decil from the higher upwardly tabular array is 47.15.

Just this article which I tin forcefulness out portion to you.
I apologize if at that spot are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The halt of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Reference :
  • Google