3 Graphic Symbol Of Function

By its nature the business office is divided into:

1. Surjective Functions

The surjective sunctions is a business office for which each resultant chemical subdivision (Rf) is the to the lowest degree shadow of the codomain percentage (Kf).
The judgement is mathematically defined:
Eg f : Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 → B is a function. If Rf = B or the resulted percentage of business office f is equal to the codomain f, thence f is a surjective function.

2. Injection Function

The inject business office is a business office inward which each domain chemical subdivision (Df) has a dissimilar duad of kodomain (Kf),
The judgement is mathematically defined :
Eg f: A → B is a business office in addition to Rf is the lawsuit percentage f.
If x1 in addition to x2 are whatever ii elements on Df, if x1 → x2 leads to f(x1) → f(x2) in addition to if f(x1) → f(x2) causes x1 → x2, thence f : Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 → B is called an inject business office or a one-on-one function.

3. Bijektif Function

The bijektif business office is one-to-one korespodensi, a business office that each fellow member of the domain is paired just ane to the members of the codomain in addition to each fellow member of the codomain is a duad of ane in addition to alone ane fellow member of the domain.

Example :

Answer :

  • The a arrow diagram is a surjective business office because the Range chemical subdivision is the same equally the Kodomain element.
  • The b arrow diagram is an injectable business office because the break of domain elements is equal to the break of hit elements.
  • The c arrow diagram is a business office of surjective, injektif, in addition to bijektif.
  • The d arrow diagram is a surjective business office because the Range chemical subdivision is the same equally the Kodomain element.
  • The arrow diagram e is a bijektif business office because the Range chemical subdivision is the same equally the kodomain element.
Similarly this article.
Sorry if at that topographic point is a incorrect word.
The goal of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting in addition to sales

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