3 Information Sizes Inward Statistics

In the scientific discipline of statitstik in that place are three kinds of information sizes, such as:

1. Data Centralization

The size of information centering is whatever size that shows the pump of a data. The size of information centering that is commonly used inwards the scientific discipline of statistics in that place are three kinds, amid which are:

1.1 Mean

The hateful is or the calculated average is a stair out of information concentration that tin plow over the axe live on determined past times summing all the information too hence dividing the summed information past times the lay out of information every bit a whole.

1.2 Median

Median is the hateful value of a detail data. The middle value tin plow over the axe live on searched provided that the information must live on inwards a sorted state. Median tin plow over the axe live on determined past times finding the middle value of data. For illustration in that place are information 1, 2, 3, 4, too 5. So for sure the median is three because three is the middle value of the data.

1.3 Mode

The fashion inwards statistics is the information of the well-nigh muncil. So what if from a develop of information such every bit 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, too 3, hence the fashion is two because the two well-nigh values ​​appear inwards the data.

2. Data Location Size

The place of the information is a stair out of the information that shows where the information is located on a information that has been sorted. The size of the information that is commonly studied inwards the scientific discipline of statistics in that place are 4 kinds, amid which are:

2.1 Median

Median is the hateful value of a detail data. The middle value tin plow over the axe live on searched provided that the information must live on inwards a sorted state. Median tin plow over the axe live on determined past times finding the middle value of data. For illustration in that place are information 1, 2, 3, 4, too 5. So for sure the median is three because three is the middle value of the data.

2.2 Quartiles

Quartiles are the numbers used to split upward a develop of information into 4 parts. Quartiles in that place are three kinds of quartiles bottom, middle quartile, too overstep quartile.

2.3 Decil

H5N1 decile is a lay out used to split upward a develop of information into x sections.

2.4 Percentiles

The percentile is the lay out used to split upward the develop of information into 100 parts.

3. Data Distribution Size

The size of the information dissemination is a information stair out that shows how much the information values ​​deviate from the average. There are 4 kinds of information dissemination inwards statistics commonly used, amid which are:

3.1 Range

Range is the difference betwixt highest too lowest data.

3.2 Average deviation

Average divergence is a stair out that states how large the spread of each information value to its hateful value.

3.3 Variance

Variant is the average of the amount of squares of each information deviation.

3.4 Standard deviation

Standard divergence is the root value of a variance.

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Reference :
  • Prof.Dr.Sudjana,MA,Msc, Tarsito, Metode Statistika, Edisi 6, Bandung
  • Robert D Mason too Douglas A.Lind, T, Teknik Statistika for bussiness too economy, erlangga, Yogyakarta
  • Lukas Setia Atmaja, Memahami Statistika Bisnis, Erlangga, Yogyakarta

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