4 Statistical Elements

Statistical elements are the basic parts that underlie the information ready inwards the shape of numbers or non-numbers arranged inwards the shape of tables or diagrams that depict or relate to a item problem. This fourth dimension matematikaakuntansi.blogspot.com volition explicate near iv statistical elements.

1. Population

Population inwards statistical scientific discipline is a ready of information that has the same characteristics that seat a item phenomenon or event. Population is a basic work inwards statistics. Population is too non only the divulge of objects or subjects that are studied, but includes all the characteristics, properties possessed past times the object or subject.

Example of Population

The next examples of the population are:
The human population inwards the province of Indonesia
Fish population inwards the river
And others

2. Sample

The sample inwards statistics is a collection of information taken or selected from a population. Sampling of a population aims to brand a reduction of the quantity of objects studied, generalize the results of research, in addition to highlight the full general characteristics of the population.

There are 3 kinds of advantages if nosotros create sampling of them, are:
  1. Save money
  2. Data collection is faster
  3. Nine samples tin ensure uniformity in addition to to amend the accuracy in addition to character of information because the information ready is smaller.

3. Inference Statistics

Inference statistics are a decision, approximation or generalization of a population based on the information contained inwards a sample. This agency that inferential statistics is a information analysis technique used to decide the extent to which the similarity betwixt the results obtained from a sample amongst the results to hold upwards obtained inwards the population equally a whole.

4. Measurement of Reliability

Measurement of reliability is a touchstone of the consequences of possible bias of information afterwards inference. It is necessary to stair out the reliability in addition to then that information refraction does non occur. Reliability testify is done to know the internal consistency of all information inwards a ready of questionnaires

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Reference :
  • Ariesta Damayanti (Lecturer)
  • Google

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