Cash Value Of Rente Pra Numerando

The value of rente pranumerando is the total of all installment cash values calculated at the get-go of the firstly involvement period.

Cash Value Formula of Rente Pra Numerando

Information :
CV = Cash value
C = First majuscule at the period
i = Percentage of involvement per period
n = Period period

Example of Cash Value of Rente Pra Numerando

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 educatee volition become a scholarship at the get-go of every calendar month from PT UNILEVER for $250,000 for 3years. If the gift volition move granted at the get-go of the firstly calendar month at 2%/month interest, delight specify the amount of the scholarship full received yesteryear the student!

C = $250,000
i = 2%/month = 0.02/month
n = 3years = 26months

So the full scholarship received yesteryear the students is $6,499,654.83

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