Composition Of 2 Consecutive Translations

Determining a unmarried translation representing the composition of ii consecutive translations is the same every bit determining the resultant ii vectors. If the outset transactions of T1 alongside the column vector (a1 b1) are thus followed past times the moment translational T2 with the column vector (a2 b2), the unmarried translation representing the to a higher house composition is:

  • The T1 translation is continued past times T2 translation equal to T2 translation followed past times T1 translation, ie (T1 o T2) = (T2 o T1). So the composition of ii translations is commutative.
  • The map shadow of A(x, y) past times T1 translation is continued past times T1 translation denoted past times (T2 o T1) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 (x, y).

Translations T1 and T2 each convey column vectors (2 -3) too (-5 4), abide by (T2 o T1) Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 (-5, 1)!


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