Final Value Of Rente Pra Numerando

Rente pranumerando is an empowered rent at the outset of the period, as well as then the concluding installment has undergone a one-period development.

Formula of Rente Pra Numerando

Keterangan :
FS = Final Value
C = First uppercase period
i = Percentage of involvement per period
n = Period period

Example Question of Rente Pra Numerando

Every outset of the yr Nisa saves coin at ABC Bank for $1,000,000. If the banking corporation gives 6%interest/year, decide the coin Nisa afterwards saving twenty years!

C = $1,000,000
i = 6%/year = 0.06/year
n = 20years

So Nisa's coin afterwards saving twenty years is $38,992,726.68.

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