Geometry Serial Inwards Math

If the tribes of a sequence of geometries are summed, a geometry serial volition hold out formed.

Example of Geometry Series inwards Math

If "0 < r < 1" thus role the formula:

If "r > 1" thus role the formula:

The human relationship formula betwixt Un together with Sn :

Information :
S = Geometry series
r = Ratio
a = The offset tribe
U = Tribe
n = Tribal position

Example of Geometry Series inwards Math

Please induce upwards one's heed the total of 1 + ii + iv + 8 + ... (up to thirteen tribes) !

a = 1
r = 2/1 = 2
n = 13

thus the total of 1 + ii + iv + 8 + ... (up to 13 tribes) is 8191.

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Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting together with sales

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