Implications Inwards Mathematical Logic

Two statements p too q tin last made into i novel tilt of chemical compound sentences into the shape "if p hence q". New statements arranged inwards this agency are either implied statements or conditional / conditional statements of p too q statements. The "if p" role is called the argue or campaign (antecedent / hypothesis) too the "then q" is called conclution or resultant (conclusion or consequence).

Formula of Implications

p → q 

p → q reads "if p hence q"

Examples of Implications inwards Mathematical Logic

p    : It's a cloudy day
q    : Now it volition rain
p → q: If it's cloudy at in i trial it volition rain

Truth Table of Implications

The value of the truth of the implication tilt is determined past times the truth value of each percentage non past times the human relationship of the 2 sole statements. The value of truth implication is every bit follows:
The implication p → q is imitation if p is truthful too q is wrong, inwards other probability p → q is true.

Information :
T : True
F : False/wrong

Similarly this article.
Sorry if in that place is a incorrect word.
The terminate of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting too sales

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