Indefinite Numbers Inwards Math

Previously nosotros commencement empathize zero, left approach, correct approach, as well as infinite number.

Zero Definition

Zero is a number representing the number of empty laid upward elements, inward short:
n (Ø) = 0

For example:
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 = {People whose meridian is ten meters}, n(A) = 0
B = {The Djakarta human being whose married adult woman is 1000}, n(B) = 0

Number x ∈ real:
  1. x → 0- or 0- or x ↑ 0, pregnant that the number x is around 0 from left / bottom / negative.
    x → 0+ or 0+ or x ↓ 0, pregnant that the number x is around 0 from correct / upward / positive.
  2. x → ∞ or x ↑ ∞, pregnant that  x to infinity or x ascent infinitely.
    x → -∞ or x ↓ -∞, pregnant that x to infinity or x ascent infinity.

The properties of the numbers 0, 1, as well as ∞ are every bit follows:
a/0+ = ∞, a > 0
a/0- = -∞, a > 0
a/0+ = -∞, a < 0
a/0- = ∞, a < 0
0/a = 0, a ≠ 0
0 x a  = 0, a ≠ +
0 = 0
0-∞ = ∞
a/0 = ∞, a > 0
a/0 = -∞, a < 0
1a = 1, a ≠ +
0a = 0, a > 0
0a = ∞, a < 0
a0 = 1, a ≠ 0
a0 = 1, a ≠ +
a = ∞, a > 1
a = 0, 0 < a < 1

So 0/0, ∞/∞, ∞ - ∞, 0.∞, 00, ∞0, 1 are called indefinite numbers.

Uncertain numbers ordinarily seem on boundary issues. Said non necessarily, because given the results of whatever true. The number is raised because it is oft confused betwixt a for sure number as well as non for sure on the count performance for the numbers 0, 1, as well as ∞.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 few articles this time. Sorry if at that topographic point is a incorrect word.
The destination of give-and-take wassalamualiakum wr. wb.


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