Mathematical Model Of Even Out Problem

Definition of Mathematical Model

The close of import thing inwards linear programming is to transform the verbal thing into a mathematical model that is a daily linguistic communication pronunciation into a simpler together with easier to empathize linguistic communication of mathematics. So the mathematical model is a formula derived from an interpretation when translating a verbal matter.

How To Convert Verbal Sentence To H5N1 Mathematical Model In The Form Of Inequality System

To arrive easier to alter the verbal problems inwards the shape of linear programme into the working capital missive of the alphabet mathematics used tabular array every bit follows:

To brand staff of life A required 200 grams of flour together with 25 grams of butter. As for staff of life B required 100 grams of flour together with 50 grams of butter. The available flour is exclusively 4kg together with the butter is 1.2kg. If the toll of staff of life A Rp. 400,00 together with staff of life B cost Rp. 500.00. Make a mathematical model!

Suppose a lot of staff of life A = x together with lots of staff of life B = y, pregnant other variables are flour together with butter. So the tabular array is obtained every bit follows:

Flour together with butter available at close 4 kg = 4000 grams together with 1.2 = 1200 grams hence the sign of inequality is "<". From the tabular array tin last made inequality every bit follows:
200x + 100y < 4000, simplified to:
2x + y < 40

25x + 50y < 1200, simplified to:
x + 2y < 48 

Since x together with y are nonnegative integers then:
x >
y > 0

The higher upwards 4 inequalities are requirements that must last met called the constraint function. the toll of staff of life A Rp.500,00 together with staff of life B Rp.400,00, hence the sales proceeds tin last formulated amongst Z = 400x + 500. y: Z is called objective component subdivision or target component subdivision that tin last maximized or minimized.

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Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting together with sales

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