Percentile Formula for Grouped Data
Information :
Be = Bottom of EdgeFi = Sum frequency earlier ith percentile data
fi = Frequency of the ith percentile data
c = Class LengthPi = Percentile ithi = 1,2, ... ,99
Example :
Please nurture one's heed the 50th percentile of the information inwards the tabular array below !
Answer :
n = 8 + ten + xiii + 17 + fourteen + eleven + vii = 80
the place of the fifth percentile = Location information : (5(80 + 1)/100)
the place of the fifth percentile = Location information : (5(81)/100)
the place of the fifth percentile = Location information : (50(81)/100)
the place of the fifth percentile = Location information : (405/100)
the place of the fifth percentile = Location information : 40,5
So the frequency of fifth percentile = 17
f50 = 17
Be = 45 - 0,5 = 44.5
F50 = 8 + ten + xiii = 31
c = 35 - xxx = 5
So the 50th percentile of the information is 47.15.
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Reference :
- Book math grouping sales in addition to accounting essay To'ali degree 12