Rank Reveal Inward Math

Formula of Rank Numbers

The seat numbers tin hold out formulated equally follows:

Information :
a = a number
n = the ability value of a number

23 = two x two x 2
23 = 8

Basic Rule of Rank Numbers Operation

1. Multiplication Rules of The Rank Numbers Whose Principal Numbers are The Same

ap x aq = ap+q

23 x 25 = 23+5
23 x 25 = 28
23 x 25 = 256

2. Division Rules of The Rank Numbers Whose Principal Numbers are The Same

ap : aq = ap - q

38 : 35 = 38 - 5
38 : 35 = 33
38 : 35 = 27

3. Rank Rules of Rank Numbers

(ap)q = ap x q

(22)5 = 22 x 5
(22)5 = 210
(22)5 = 1024

4. Rank Rules of Two Numbers Multiplication

(a x b)p = ap x bp

(3 x 5)2 = 32 x 52
(3 x 5)2 = nine x 25
(3 x 5)2 = 225

5. Rank Rules of Two Numbers Division

(a : b)p = ap : bp

(12 : 4)5 = 125 : 45
(12 : 4)5 = 248832 : 1024
(12 : 4)5 = 243

6. Rule of Negative Rank Number


7. Rule Rank of Fractional Number


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