Similarity Of 2 Matrices

Two matrices are said to survive the same, if they accept the same gild together with the elements of the ii matrices are the same.

Find the x, y, z, a, b, together with x values of the equality of the ii matrix below!


1. Element row i column i (a11)
2x = 4
x = 2

2. Element row i column three (a13)
2 + x = y
y = 2 + 2
y = 4

3. Element row 2 columnt i (a21)
z = 3y
z = 3(4)
z = 12

4. Elemen row 2 columnt 2 (a22)
a + i = 4z
a + i = 4(12)
a = 48 - 1
a  = 47

5. Element row three columnt i (a31)
b = a + 5
b = 47 + 5
b = 52

6. Elemen row three columnt 2 (a32)
(1/2)c = b - 2
(1/2)c = 52 - 2
(1/2)c = 50
(1/2)c x 2 = fifty x 2
c = 100

So from the matrix is obtained:
a = 47
b = 52
c = 100
x = 2
y = 4
z = 12

Similarly this article.
Sorry if at that topographic point is a incorrect word.
The halt of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting together with sales

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