Single Involvement Inward Math

Understanding Single Interest

H5N1 unmarried involvement is involvement earned at the goal of a specified menstruum of fourth dimension which does non touching on the sum of borrowed capital.

Single Interest Formulas

Interest = (interest charge per unit of measurement per period) 10 (number of periods) 10 (capital)

Example of Single Interest Problem

H5N1 working capital alphabetic quality of $1,000 is levied amongst a unmarried charge per unit of measurement of 2%/month. Determine the involvement afterward 1 month!

Interest = (interest charge per unit of measurement per period) 10 (number of periods) 10 (capital)
Interest = 2% 10 i 10 $1,000
Interest = $20

So the large involvement is $20.

Just this article which I tin post away part to you.
I apologize if at that topographic point are incorrect discussion on this article
The goal of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Reference :
  • The To'Ali mass of sales together with accounting mathematics books

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