The Hateful Formula For The Grouped Data

The Mean Formula for The Grouped Data

Information :
f = Frequency
x = Data

Σ = Sigma

i = Sequence of data

x̅ = Mean of data

Example :

From the tabular array above, delight stimulate upwardly one's heed the hateful !

Answer :
x̅ = (Σ fi . xi )/Σfi
x̅ = 535/40

x̅ = 13.38

So the hateful of the information is 13.38.

Just this article which I tin part to you.
I apologize if in that place are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The halt of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Reference :
  • Book math grouping sales in addition to accounting evidence To'ali shape 12

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