Showing posts with label Annuity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Annuity. Show all posts

The Formula Of Mathematical Fiscal Annuities

definition of Annuity

An annuity is an sum of loan repayment of an equal sum paid out over a catamenia of time, as well as consists of the involvement as well as the installment.

Annuity formula:

Annuity = Installment + Interest

AN = An + Bn

Formula Installment:

An = A1 (1 + i) n-1

Information :
AN = Annuity 

An = nth installment
A1 = 1st installment
i = Interest Rate
Bn = The nth interest

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Loan volition endure repaid amongst a monthly annuity system. If the annuity sum is $.400.000,00. Please decide the fifth installment if the fifth Interest $.315.000,00 !!!!

AN = $400,000

B5 = $315,000
AN = A5 + B5
$400,000 = A5 + $315,000
A5 = $400,000 - $315,000
A5 = $85,000

So the fifth installment is $85,000

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