Showing posts with label financial mathematics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label financial mathematics. Show all posts

Remaining Loan Annuity

At a glance, the ease of a loan is slow to calculate if the remaining loan is previously known. But what if nosotros desire to calculate the residuum of a loan simply the ease of the previous loan is unknown?

Formula of Remaining Loan Annuity

Information :
Sm = Remaining Loan at menstruum m
Im = Residual involvement at menstruum m
i = per centum of involvement per period

Example Question of Remaining Loan Annuity

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 loan of $10,000,000 volition last repaid amongst a monthly annuity organization amongst an involvement charge per unit of measurement of 3%/month for 2.5 years as well as the annuity is $510,192.59. Please specify the remaining loan afterwards repayment for x months!

Answer :
i = 3%/month = 0.03/month

Determine stimulate down involvement first:
$10,000,000 x 0.03 = $300,000

So the stimulate down involvement is $ 300,000

Determine the stimulate down installment:
$510,192.59 - $300,000 = $210,192,59

Determine the 11th installment amongst the installment formula:
a11 = $210,192.59(1 + 0.03)11-1
a11 = $210,192.59(1,03)10
a11 = $210,192.59 x 1.3439164
a11 = $282,481.26

Determine the 11th interest:
I11 = $510,192.59 - $282,481.26
I11 = $227,711.33

So the ease of the loan afterwards repayment for x months is 7,590,377.67.
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The destination of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting as well as sales

Annuity Value

An annuity is an total of loan repayment of an equal total paid out over a menses of time, in addition to consists of the involvement in addition to the installment.

Formula of Annuity Value

Information :
A = Annuity
C = First capital
i = Percentage of involvement per period
n = Period

Example Question of Formula of Annuity Value

Determine the annuity value of a loan of $ 5,000,000 over 2years alongside a 2%/month involvement rate!

Answer :
C = $ 5,000,000
n = ii years = 24 months
i = 2% / calendar month = 0.02 / month

So the annuity value of a loan of $ 5,000,000 over ii years alongside a 2%/month involvement charge per unit of measurement is $ 264,355.49.

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The terminate of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting in addition to sales

Annuity Of Fiscal Mathematics

Have y'all calculated your ain installment to endure paid every calendar month if y'all volition purchase the describe solid yesteryear means of installment? If y'all ever, tin y'all calculate the balance of your loan, if it has been repaid for n years from the payment of the describe solid that y'all are installing? That's the form of matter that's discussed inwards annuities.

Defenition of Annuity

An annuity is an sum of loan repayment of an equal sum paid out over a stream of time, in addition to consists of the involvement in addition to the installment.

Formula of  Anuitas

A = an + bn
an = a1(1 + i)n atau an = ak(1 + i)n - k

Information :
A = Annuity
an = The nth installment
bn = The nth interest
ak = The kth installment

Example Question of Anuitas

H5N1 loan volition endure repaid on a yearly annuity. Please own upwards one's need heed the magnitude of the annuity if the sixth installment in addition to the sixth involvement are $ 215,000 in addition to $ 85,000!

Answer :
a6 = $215,000
b6 = $85,000

A = an + bn
A = a6 + b6
A = $215,000 + $85,000
A = $400,000

So the annuity value is $ 400,000.

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Sorry if in that place is a incorrect word.
The goal of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting in addition to sales

Depreciation Method Of Working Hours Unit Of Measurement Assets

The sum of depreciation using the unit of measurement method of working hours of assets is calculated based on each unit of measurement of working hours of its assets.

Formula of Depreciation Method of Working Hours Unit Assets

Information :
A = Cost of assets is the sum of costs incurred past times the society to laid about an activation until the property is cook to hold upward operated.
S = Estimated residue value of the property is the value of the appraisal that may hold upward obtained through the assets that convey passed its life.
SK = Book value at the halt of twelvemonth K
r = Depreciation charge per unit of measurement or per centum depreciation
Q = Number of working hours
D = Depreciation expense for each period

Example Question of Depreciation Method of Working Hours Unit Assets

An property at a toll of $ 30,000,000. It is estimated that the useful life of the assets for vii years amongst the functioning of the auto for 40,000 hours in addition to has a residue value of $ 6,000,000. Please specify the depreciation of each asset's workflow!

A = $ 30,000,000
n = vii years
Q = 40,000 hours
S = $ 6,000,000

So the depreciation of each working hr of the assets is $ 600 per hour.

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The halt of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's majority math grouping accounting in addition to sales

Depreciation Of Intangible Fixed Assets

Intangible assets are fixed assets that bring no physical properties. All expenses incurred to laid out the property until the property tin hold upward used inward the operations of the equity, the costs are included inward the toll of the fixed assets.

The procedure of depreciation of fixed assets is called amortization. The useful life of intangible assets, inward accordance amongst the stipulated rules or regulations. If an intangible fixed property is issued past times the authorities together with then the menstruation of validity of the property shall hold upward determined past times the authorities inward accordance amongst authorities regulations. For illustration patent validity menstruation inside fifteen years.

The amortization calculation is ordinarily done on a straight-line basis. In this instance the residue value afterwards the useful life of the property is exhausted is nix (S = 0), so, The depreciation expense formula annually is:

Formula of Depreciation of Intangible Fixed Assets

Information :
A = the toll of intangible fixed assets
n = validity menstruation of intangible fixed assets

Example Question of Depreciation of Intangible Fixed Assets

The coal mining companionship has been granted a 15-year coal mining license amongst a $ 150,000,000 licensing fee. Please specify the annual depreciation accuse of the patent!

A = $150,000,000
n = 15years

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The cease of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting together with sales

Depreciation Pith Of The Year's Digits Method

If an property has a useful life of n years, as well as therefore the depreciation charge per unit of measurement r represents the fractional lay out from twelvemonth to twelvemonth decreases alongside the denominator fraction represents the amount of n natural numbers.

he lay out of twelvemonth numbers of n years is: SDY = 1 + ii + three + ... + n, therefore the lastly depreciation expense formula for each twelvemonth is:

Formula of Depreciation Sum of the year's digits method

Information :
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 = Cost of assets is the amount of costs incurred past times the society to laid about an activation until the property is cook to live operated.
south = Estimated balance value of the property is the value of the appraisal that may live obtained through the assets that convey passed its life.
n = Age of create goodness / Age of economical assets inwards the year.
D = Depreciation expense for each period
k = kth twelvemonth number

Example Question of Depreciation Sum of the year's digits method

An property at a toll of $ 5,000,000 is estimated to convey a useful life of vi years alongside a balance value of $ 800,000 using the lay out of numbers method. Please cause upward one's hear the annual depreciation expense.

Answer :
A = $5,000,000
A = $800,000
n = vi Year
SYD = vi + v + iv + three + ii + 1 = 21

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The terminate of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting as well as sales

Straight Job Depreciation Method

The straight-line method is besides called the fixed percent method of the buy cost of the asset. Based on the straight-line method the total of depreciation expense annually is fixed which is defined past times the next formula:

Formula of Straight Line Depreciation Method

The total of depreciation r is defined past times the formula:

Information :
A = Cost of assets is the total of costs incurred past times the companionship to begin an activation until the property is ready to last operated.
S = Estimated balance value of the property is the value of the appraisal that may last obtained through the assets that bring passed its life.
r = Depreciation charge per unit of measurement or percent depreciation
n = Age of create goodness / Age of economical assets inwards the year.
D = Depreciation expense for each period

Example Question of Straight Line Depreciation Method

An property at a cost of $5,000,000. It is estimated that the property tin move last utilized for half dozen years alongside an estimated balance value of $2,000,000. Using the straight-line method, delight bring upwards one's hear the total of depreciation expense annually!

A = $5,000,000
S = $2,000,000
n = half dozen years

So the total of depreciation each twelvemonth is $600,000 .

Similarly this article.
Sorry if in that place is a incorrect word.
The cease of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting too sales