Annuity Of Fiscal Mathematics

Have y'all calculated your ain installment to endure paid every calendar month if y'all volition purchase the describe solid yesteryear means of installment? If y'all ever, tin y'all calculate the balance of your loan, if it has been repaid for n years from the payment of the describe solid that y'all are installing? That's the form of matter that's discussed inwards annuities.

Defenition of Annuity

An annuity is an sum of loan repayment of an equal sum paid out over a stream of time, in addition to consists of the involvement in addition to the installment.

Formula of  Anuitas

A = an + bn
an = a1(1 + i)n atau an = ak(1 + i)n - k

Information :
A = Annuity
an = The nth installment
bn = The nth interest
ak = The kth installment

Example Question of Anuitas

H5N1 loan volition endure repaid on a yearly annuity. Please own upwards one's need heed the magnitude of the annuity if the sixth installment in addition to the sixth involvement are $ 215,000 in addition to $ 85,000!

Answer :
a6 = $215,000
b6 = $85,000

A = an + bn
A = a6 + b6
A = $215,000 + $85,000
A = $400,000

So the annuity value is $ 400,000.

Similarly this article.
Sorry if in that place is a incorrect word.
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Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting in addition to sales

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