Cash Value Of Eternal Rente Pranumerando

Eternal Rente is rente whose amount of unlimited installments. The value of the eternal rent is a geometric progression down, in addition to thus the value of the eternal rent of cash has value.

Cash Value Formula of Eternal Rente Pranumerando

Information :
CV = Cash value
C = Initial majuscule period
i = Percentage of involvement per period

Example Question of Cash Value of Eternal Rente Pranumerando

At the commencement of each month, Fulan volition earn a $175,000 scholarship from PT UNILEVER for a express menstruum of time. PT UNILEVER does non desire to bother. Therefore, the scholarship volition live on awarded at the same fourth dimension simply dependent area to involvement of 1%/month. Determine the full scholarship Fulan received!

C = $175,000
i = 1%/month = 0.01/month

So the full scholarship received past times Fulan is $17,675,000.00.

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Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting in addition to sales

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