Cash Value Of Eternal Rente Postal Service Numerando

Eternal Rente is rente whose total of unlimited installments. The value of the eternal rent is a geometric progression down, then the value of the eternal rent of cash has value.

Cash Value Formula of Eternal Rente Post Numerando

Keterangan :
CV = Cash value
C = Initial working capital missive of the alphabet period
i = percent of involvement per period

Example Question of Cash Value of Eternal Rente Post Numerando

Every in conclusion yr x foundation volition larn donations from the World Bank for $3,500,000 for an indefinite period. If the World Bank volition brand a donation at a charge per unit of measurement of 17.5%/year. Please decide the full donation received yesteryear the x foundation!

C = $3,500,000
i = 17.5%/year = 0.175/year

So the full donation received yesteryear the x foundation is $20,000,000.

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