Cash Value Of Rente Postal Service Numerando

The value of rente postal service numerando is the amount of all installment cash values calculated at the destination of the involvement period.

Cash Value Formula of Rente Post Numerando

Information :
CV = Cash value
C = Initial majuscule period
i = per centum of involvement per period
n = menstruum period

Example Question of Cash Value of Rente Post Numerando

Each destination of the calendar month Cinta Damai foundation earned donations from the World Peace Agency of $5,000,000 for iii consecutive years. If the donation volition last awarded at the same fourth dimension as well as discipline to involvement of 2%/month, delight decide the full donation received yesteryear the foundation!

C = $ 5,000,000
i = 2% / calendar month = 0.02 / month
n = iii years = 36 months

So the full donation received yesteryear the foundation is $127,444,212.41.

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Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting as well as sales

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