Circle Formulas

  • O = is the middle indicate of the circle
  • OA = OB is the radius of the circle
  • AB is the diameter
  • The plication trouble of the CD is a round down arc
  • The CD is a round down cord
  • POQ archive is a circle juring
  • The CSD archive is a circle tembereng
  • OS is apothem

Formula of Circle Area

A = π r2

A = Area
r = Jari-jari

Formula of circumference Circle

C = 2πr

C = Circumference Circle
r = radius

Length of Circular Arc Formula

Arc length = a / 360 10 two phi r

a = large corner of the middle of the circle
r = radius

Formula of juring Area Circle

Juring Area = a/360 10 πr2

a = Large corner of middle of circle
r = radius

Formula of Circumference Juring Circle

Circumference Juring = length of arc + 2r

r = Radius

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