Matrix Multiplication

1. Multiplication Matrix alongside Scalar

For Example k is a scalar as well as A is a matrix, as well as therefore kA is a matrix obtained yesteryear multiplying every chemical ingredient of the matrix Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 yesteryear a scalar.

Is known:

b. Matrix Multiplication alongside Matrix

Two matrices A alongside ordoo m 10 n as well as matrix B alongside the social club n 10 p, the production times betwixt A as well as B is a matrix C = A. B, which has an social club of m 10 p, is obtained yesteryear multiplying each row matrix chemical ingredient A alongside matrix chemical ingredient B.

If the matrix A has an social club of m 10 n as well as B has an social club p 10 q where n is non equal to p as well as therefore A. B is undefined. Consider the illustrations of domino cards inwards the figure below for the multiplication of 2 matrices of each social club of 2 10 4 as well as 4 10 1.

Is Known:

Determine A. B!

Matrix A has 2 10 2 as well as B orders 2 10 3, the production of A. B is an orderly matrix 2 10 3. Consider the instance below!

is the 1st row entry as well as the 2d column of the matrix Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 obtained yesteryear multiplying the 1st row chemical ingredient of the left matrix (matrix A) alongside the 2d column elements of the matrix to the correct (matrix B) as well as therefore summing it upwards . And therefore on to fill upwards the boxes.

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