Matrix Inward Math

Definition of Matrix

Matrix is an organization of elements or entries inward rectangular cast arranged inward rows together with columns.

Matrix Order

The social club or size of the matrix is the publish of row elements followed past times the publish of columns. Amxn agency matrix H5N1 has an social club of m x n, important that the metric has one thousand rows together with n pieces of column.


Matrix A consists of 2 rows together with 4 columns, the matrix H5N1 is 2 x 4, or Amxn.

Types of Matrices

3.1 Zero Matrix

The nothing matrix is a matrix whose all elements are zero.


3.2 Column Matrix

The column matrix is a matrix consisting of but 1 column.


3.3 Row Matrices

Row matrix is a matrix consisting of but 1 line.


3.4 Square Matrix

The foursquare matrix is a matrix whose publish of rows is equal to the publish of columns.


3.5 Diagonal Matrix

The diagonal matrix is a matrix whose entire chemical cistron is nothing except that the primary diagonal is non e'er zero.


3.6. Triangle Matrix

Triangle matrix consists of ii kinds, such as:

3.6.1 Top Triangle Matrix
The upper triangular matrix is a matrix whose elements below the primary diagonal are but zero.


3.6.2 Bottom Triangle Matrix
The lower triangular matrix is a matrix whose elements to a higher house the primary diagonal are all zero.


3.7 Identity Matrix

The identity matrix is a foursquare matrix that all elements on the diagonal are primarily 1 together with the other is zero.


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