Ogive Plication Inward Statistics

The ogve flexure is a graph whose information is derived from the cumulative frequency table. Usually ogive made from the frequency distribution tabular array that in that place are 2, such equally :

1. Ogive Positive

Ogive Positive is the ogive whose information comes from the cumulative frequency distribution tabular array of less then. The next is the cumulative frequency distribution tabular array less than the ogive positive graphic:

2. Ogive Negative

Ogive negative is an ogive whose information comes from a cumulative frequency distribution tabular array of to a greater extent than than. The next is a cumulative frequency distribution tabular array over the next ogive negative graphs of the data:

So basically for information organized inwards the shape of cumulative frequency distribution tables less than, it volition bring a positive ogive, if the information is organized inwards the shape of cumulative frequency distribution tables to a greater extent than than it volition bring negative negatives.

Here is an ogive graph if the cumulative frequency is less than coupled amongst cumulative frequencies to a greater extent than than:

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