Probability Of An Event

The trial is a subset of the sample space, whereas the sample betoken is whatsoever possible trial inwards an experiment. If A is an trial occurring inwards an experiment amongst a sample infinite S, where each sampling betoken has the same probability to appear, as well as thus the probability of an trial A tin last written equally follows:

The Probability Formula of An Event

Information :
P (A) = Opportunity occurrence A
n (A) = Number of members A
n (S) = Number of members S

An Example of The Probability of An Event

On throwing 3 coins at once, Please decide the chances of the appearance of the 3 sides of the picture!

Then n(S) = 8
For illustration the 3rd incident side of the paradigm is A, thus :
A = {GGG} thus n(A) = 1

Just this article which I tin part to you.
I apologize if in that place are incorrect discussion on this article
The goal of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Reference :
  • The mathematics mass of the high schoolhouse degree XI IPA program

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