Target Purpose Optimum Value Of Regional Linear Inequality System

The of import affair inwards the linear programming occupation is to alter the occupation of variables into the cast of mathematical model which is the representation of everyday linguistic communication into a simpler as well as easier to empathize math language.

Steps to Get Optimum Value

Here are the steps that must endure taken to become the optimum value:
  1. Convert variable issues into mathematical models.
  2. Define Settlement Set.
  3. Determine all the corner points inwards the faesible area.
  4. Calculate the value of the objective cast for each corner indicate inwards the viable region.
  5. From the lawsuit inwards measurement 4, the maximum or minimum value tin endure set.

An plane has a seating capacity of no to a greater extent than than 48 persons. Each principal plane rider tin comport lx kg baggage as well as economic scheme plane xx kg, spell the aircraft has a capacity of non to a greater extent than than 1440kg. If the ticket cost for the principal plane as well as economic scheme are Rp.1.000.000,00 as well as Rp.500.000,00 per person, decide the number of passengers per plane for maximum ticket sales result!

The mathematical model is constructed past times supposing the number of principal plane passengers = x people as well as the number of economic scheme plane passengers = y people.

Maximum Z = 1.000.000x + 500.000y

Capacity requirements:
x + y < 48
60x + 20y < 1440
x > 0
y > 0

From the mathematical model inwards tin endure OBAC viable surface area alongside indicate B searched equally follows:

x + y = 48
y = 36

as well as thence the indicate B (12, 36)

Test the points of the corner, ie points O, A, B, as well as C.

The maximum value Z is Rp. 30.000.000,00 is fulfilled past times x = 12 as well as y = 36, or inwards other words ticket sales volition endure maximum if number of principal plane passengers are 12 people as well as economic scheme plane are 36 people.

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Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting as well as sales

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