Z-Score Formula Inward Statistics

Z-Score Formula inward Statistics
Z-score is used to know the difference of an effect compared to its habit. The larger the raw number, the amend the information value compared to the other value which has a smaller raw number.

Z-Score Formula inward Statistics

Z = (xi - X̄)/S

Information :
Z = Z-Score
xi = x1, x2, x3, ... , xn
X̄= Mean of data

S = touchstone deviation

Example :
suppose in that place are information 2,7,8,10,4, together with 5, amongst hateful together with touchstone divergence respectively are vi together with 7. Please notice the z-score of ii !

Answer :
xi = 2
X̄= 6
S = 7
Z = (xi - X̄)/S
Z = (2 - 6) / 7

Z = -4/7

Z = -0,57

So the z-score of ii inward the information is -0,57

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Reference :
  • Book math grouping sales together with accounting seek out To'ali degree 12

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