Showing posts with label statistic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label statistic. Show all posts

Quartile Departure Formula Inward Statistics

From a laid upward of information having the lowest quartile Q1 too the superlative Quartile Q3, too then the quartile divergence formula is:

Quartile Deviation Formula inward Statistics

Qd = (1/2)(Q3 - Q1)

Information :
Qd = Quartile deviation
Q1 = Lower quartile or 1st quartile
Q3 = Up quartile or third quartile

Example :
Please lift one's heed the quartile divergence if Q1 = 40.27 too Q3 = 53.79 !!!

Answer :
Q1 = 40.27
Q3 = 53.79
Qd = (1/2)(Q3 - Q1)
Qd = (1/2)(53.79 - 40.27)
Qd = 13.52 / 2
Qd = 6.76
So the quartile divergence is 6.76

So merely this article which I tin percentage to you.
I apologize if at that spot are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The terminate of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb.
Referensi :
  • Book math grouping sales too accounting examine To'ali flat 12

The Hateful Divergence Formula

For a ready of information x1, x2, x3, ..., xn which has an hateful of  and absolute value of departure per information | x1 -  |, | x2 -  |, | x3 -  |, ..., | xn -  | summed too then divided past times the amount of information too then obtained the hateful departure formulated every bit follows :

The Mean Deviation Formula

RD = 1/n ∑ | xi -  |

Information :
xi = x1, x2, x3, ..., xn
 = Mean of data
n = Amount frequencies of data
∑ = Sigma (number symbol)
RD = Mean departure value

Example :
Determine the hateful departure of 6, 4, 8, 10, 11, 10, 7 !

Answer :
x= 4
x= 6
x= 7
x= 8
x= 10
x= 10
x= 11

n = 7
 = (4 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 10 + 10 + 11) / 7
 = 56 / 7
 = 8
∑ | xi -  |  = | x1 -  | + | x2 -  | + | x3 -  | + | x4 -  | + | x5 -  | + | x6 -  | + | x7 -  |
∑ | xi -  |  = | 4 - 8 | + | 6 - 8 | + | 7 - 8 | + | 8 - 8 | + | 10 - 8 | + | 10 - 8 | + | 11 - 8 |
∑ | xi -  |  = | -4 | + | -2 | + | -1 | + | 0 | + | 2 | + | 2 | + | 3 |
∑ | xi -  |  = 4 + 2 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 3
∑ | xi -  |  = 14
RD = 1/n ∑ | xi -  |
RD = 1/7 (14)
RD = xiv / 7
RD = 2
So the hateful departure value of 6, 4, 8, 10, 11, 10, 7 is 2

Just this article which I tin portion to you.
I apologize if at that spot are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The halt of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Referensi :

  • Book math grouping sales too accounting bear witness To'ali cast 12

Z-Score Formula Inward Statistics

Z-Score Formula inward Statistics
Z-score is used to know the difference of an effect compared to its habit. The larger the raw number, the amend the information value compared to the other value which has a smaller raw number.

Z-Score Formula inward Statistics

Z = (xi - X̄)/S

Information :
Z = Z-Score
xi = x1, x2, x3, ... , xn

X̄= Mean of data

S = touchstone deviation

Example :
suppose in that place are information 2,7,8,10,4, together with 5, amongst hateful together with touchstone divergence respectively are vi together with 7. Please notice the z-score of ii !

Answer :
xi = 2
X̄= 6
S = 7
Z = (xi - X̄)/S
Z = (2 - 6) / 7

Z = -4/7

Z = -0,57

So the z-score of ii inward the information is -0,57

Just this article which I tin portion to you.
I apologize if in that place are incorrect discussion on this article
The halt of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Reference :
  • Book math grouping sales together with accounting seek out To'ali degree 12

Standard Difference Formula For Unmarried Data

Standard Deviation formula for Single Data
Perhaps the close widely used difference size is the criterion deviation, because it has mathematical properties that are rattling of import in addition to useful for theoretical give-and-take in addition to subsequent statistical analysis.

Standard Deviation formula for Single Data

S = √((1/n) ∑(xi - X̄)2)

Information :
S = Standard deviation
xi = ith-data (x1. x2, x3, ... , xn)

X̄ = Mean of data

n = Amount frequency of data

Example :
Please attain upwards one's hear the criterion difference of 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10, 11 !

Answer :
n = 7

X̄ = (4 +6 + 7 + 8 + 10 + 10 + 11)/7
X̄ = 56/7
X̄ = 8

∑(xi - X̄)2 = (x1 - X̄)2  + (x2 - X̄)2 + (x3 - X̄)2 (x4 - X̄)2 + (x5 - X̄)2 + (x6 - X̄)2 + (x7 - X̄)2
∑(xi - X̄)2 = (4 - 8)2  + (6 - 8)2 + (7 - 8)2 (8 - 8)2 + (10 - 8)2 + (10 - 8)2 + (11 - 8)2
∑(xi - X̄)2 = (-4)2  + (-2)2 + (-1)2 (0)2 + (2)2 + (2)2 + (3)2
∑(xi - X̄)2 = 16  + 4 + 1 + 0 + 4 + 4 + 9
∑(xi - X̄)2 = 38
S = √((1/n) ∑(xi - X̄)2)
S = √((1/7) 38)

S = √(38/7)

S = √(38/7)

S = √5.43

S = 2.33
So the criterion difference of 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 10, 11 is 2.33

Just this article which I tin forcefulness out percentage to you.
I apologize if at that topographic point are incorrect intelligence on this article
The terminate of intelligence wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Reference :
  • Book math grouping sales in addition to accounting examine To'ali class 12

Variance Coefficient Formula

The coefficient of variance is the ratio betwixt touchstone departure as well as the hateful of a information as well as expressed in%.

Variance coefficient Formula

CV = (S/x̄) x 100%

Information :
S = Standard deviation

x̄ = Mean of data
CV = Coefficient of variance

Example :
The average fluorescent light tin last used for 2,800 hours alongside touchstone departure of 700 hours, acre the incandescent light tin last used on average for 3,500 hours alongside touchstone departure of 1,050 hours. from which information is amend ?

Answer :
1. Variance coefficient of fluorescent light usage is :
S = 700
x̄ = 2,800

CV = (S/x̄) x 100%
CV = (700/2,800) x 100%
CV = (1/4) x 100%
CV = 0.25 x 100%
CV = 25%

2. Variance coefficient of incandescent light usage is :
S = 1,050
x̄ = 3,500

CV = (S/x̄) x 100%
CV = (1,050/3,500) x 100%
CV = 0.3 x 100%
CV = 30%

From the calculation of the coefficient of variance, the fluorescent light is amend than the incandescent lamp, because the larger KV fluorescent lamps are KV incandescent.

Just this article which I tin portion to you.
I apologize if at that topographic point are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The halt of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Reference :

  • Book math grouping sales as well as accounting bear witness To'ali course of report 12

The Hateful Formula For The Grouped Data

The Mean Formula for The Grouped Data

Information :
f = Frequency
x = Data

Σ = Sigma

i = Sequence of data

x̅ = Mean of data

Example :

From the tabular array above, delight stimulate upwardly one's heed the hateful !

Answer :
x̅ = (Σ fi . xi )/Σfi
x̅ = 535/40

x̅ = 13.38

So the hateful of the information is 13.38.

Just this article which I tin part to you.
I apologize if in that place are incorrect give-and-take on this article
The halt of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Reference :
  • Book math grouping sales in addition to accounting evidence To'ali shape 12

Mode Formula For Grouped Data

Mode Formula For Grouped Data

Information :
be = Bottom border of manner class

d1 = Difference betwixt frequency of manner as well as previous frequency
d2 = Difference betwixt frequency of manner as well as subsequent frequency
c = Class length
Mo = Mode of data

Example :
Please decide the manner from the tabular array below !

Answer :
be = 45 - 0.5 = 44.5
d1 = 17 - 13  = 4
d2 = 17 - 14  = 3
c = 35 - thirty = 5

So the manner of information inward the inward a higher house tabular array is 47.36.

Just this article which I tin percentage to you.
I apologize if at that spot are incorrect discussion on this article
The terminate of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Reference :
  • Book math grouping sales as well as accounting assay To'ali shape 12