Annuity Of Bond Loan

Bonds are securities which are written loan agreements. These bonds are unremarkably used to obtain large loan amounts. In bonds at that spot are the engagement of expenditure, nominal value, involvement rate, unloose in addition to emission value. If the bond loan is repaid amongst an annuity organization or an annuity loan volition live on repaid amongst the bond, the nominal value of the bond volition live on broken downwards into a smaller par value, eg $10,000,000 bond loan broken to $ 10,000 resulting inwards the total of bonds existence 1,000.

If the repayment total is non a multiple of the nominal denomination of the bond, the remaining non-multiplier volition live on paid inwards the side past times side annuity.

The agency for to calcululate Annuity of Bond Loan

To decide the total of installment tin forcefulness out live on calculated inwards the next way:

Example Question of Annuity of Bond Loan

H5N1 $ 12,000,000 bond loan dissever into 1,200 bonds of $ 10,000 each volition live on repaid on a yearly annuity amongst an involvement charge per unit of measurement of 10% / yr for v years. Please specify the payout excogitation table!

C = $ 12,000,000
i = 10% / yr = 0.1 / year
n = v years

Anuity value
The value of the annuity is:

The repayment plan
The repayment excogitation is every bit follows:

Installment table
The installment tabular array is every bit follows:
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Referensi :
  • To'Ali's majority math grouping accounting in addition to sales

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