Showing posts with label financial mathematics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label financial mathematics. Show all posts

Cash Value Of Rente Pra Numerando

The value of rente pranumerando is the total of all installment cash values calculated at the get-go of the firstly involvement period.

Cash Value Formula of Rente Pra Numerando

Information :
CV = Cash value
C = First majuscule at the period
i = Percentage of involvement per period
n = Period period

Example of Cash Value of Rente Pra Numerando

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 educatee volition become a scholarship at the get-go of every calendar month from PT UNILEVER for $250,000 for 3years. If the gift volition move granted at the get-go of the firstly calendar month at 2%/month interest, delight specify the amount of the scholarship full received yesteryear the student!

C = $250,000
i = 2%/month = 0.02/month
n = 3years = 26months

So the full scholarship received yesteryear the students is $6,499,654.83

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The cease of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's majority math grouping accounting too sales

Final Value Of Rente Ship Service Numerando

Rente post service numerando is the rent paid at the terminate of the period, as well as then the lastly installment is non dependent plain to interest.

Formula of Rente Post Numerando

Information :
FS = Final Value
C = Capital at the get-go of the period
i = Percentage of involvement per period
n = Period period

Example Question of Rente Post Numerando

At the terminate of each twelvemonth my virile someone nurture kept his coin inwards the ABC depository fiscal establishment for $800,000 for 25 years. If the depository fiscal establishment earns 5% interest/years, produce upwards one's heed the full total of Dad's deposits!

C = $800,000
i = 5%/year = 0.05/year
n = 25 years

So the full total of Father's savings is $38,181,679.05.

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The terminate of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's majority math grouping accounting as well as sales

Cash Value Of Rente Postal Service Numerando

The value of rente postal service numerando is the amount of all installment cash values calculated at the destination of the involvement period.

Cash Value Formula of Rente Post Numerando

Information :
CV = Cash value
C = Initial majuscule period
i = per centum of involvement per period
n = menstruum period

Example Question of Cash Value of Rente Post Numerando

Each destination of the calendar month Cinta Damai foundation earned donations from the World Peace Agency of $5,000,000 for iii consecutive years. If the donation volition last awarded at the same fourth dimension as well as discipline to involvement of 2%/month, delight decide the full donation received yesteryear the foundation!

C = $ 5,000,000
i = 2% / calendar month = 0.02 / month
n = iii years = 36 months

So the full donation received yesteryear the foundation is $127,444,212.41.

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The destination of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting as well as sales

Cash Value Of Eternal Rente Pranumerando

Eternal Rente is rente whose amount of unlimited installments. The value of the eternal rent is a geometric progression down, in addition to thus the value of the eternal rent of cash has value.

Cash Value Formula of Eternal Rente Pranumerando

Information :
CV = Cash value
C = Initial majuscule period
i = Percentage of involvement per period

Example Question of Cash Value of Eternal Rente Pranumerando

At the commencement of each month, Fulan volition earn a $175,000 scholarship from PT UNILEVER for a express menstruum of time. PT UNILEVER does non desire to bother. Therefore, the scholarship volition live on awarded at the same fourth dimension simply dependent area to involvement of 1%/month. Determine the full scholarship Fulan received!

C = $175,000
i = 1%/month = 0.01/month

So the full scholarship received past times Fulan is $17,675,000.00.

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The halt of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting in addition to sales

Cash Value Of Eternal Rente Postal Service Numerando

Eternal Rente is rente whose total of unlimited installments. The value of the eternal rent is a geometric progression down, then the value of the eternal rent of cash has value.

Cash Value Formula of Eternal Rente Post Numerando

Keterangan :
CV = Cash value
C = Initial working capital missive of the alphabet period
i = percent of involvement per period

Example Question of Cash Value of Eternal Rente Post Numerando

Every in conclusion yr x foundation volition larn donations from the World Bank for $3,500,000 for an indefinite period. If the World Bank volition brand a donation at a charge per unit of measurement of 17.5%/year. Please decide the full donation received yesteryear the x foundation!

C = $3,500,000
i = 17.5%/year = 0.175/year

So the full donation received yesteryear the x foundation is $20,000,000.

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The halt of discussion wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's majority math grouping accounting as well as sales

Annuity Of Bond Loan

Bonds are securities which are written loan agreements. These bonds are unremarkably used to obtain large loan amounts. In bonds at that spot are the engagement of expenditure, nominal value, involvement rate, unloose in addition to emission value. If the bond loan is repaid amongst an annuity organization or an annuity loan volition live on repaid amongst the bond, the nominal value of the bond volition live on broken downwards into a smaller par value, eg $10,000,000 bond loan broken to $ 10,000 resulting inwards the total of bonds existence 1,000.

If the repayment total is non a multiple of the nominal denomination of the bond, the remaining non-multiplier volition live on paid inwards the side past times side annuity.

The agency for to calcululate Annuity of Bond Loan

To decide the total of installment tin forcefulness out live on calculated inwards the next way:

Example Question of Annuity of Bond Loan

H5N1 $ 12,000,000 bond loan dissever into 1,200 bonds of $ 10,000 each volition live on repaid on a yearly annuity amongst an involvement charge per unit of measurement of 10% / yr for v years. Please specify the payout excogitation table!

C = $ 12,000,000
i = 10% / yr = 0.1 / year
n = v years

Anuity value
The value of the annuity is:

The repayment plan
The repayment excogitation is every bit follows:

Installment table
The installment tabular array is every bit follows:
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The destination of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's majority math grouping accounting in addition to sales

Annuity Repayment Table

To illustrate the loan to the repayment plan, an annuity repayment tabular array is normally used. Usually the annuity listed inwards the tabular array is a rounding annuity.

The Formula of Annuity

A = Annuity
C = Initial mode
i = Percentage of involvement per period
n = Period

Example Question of Annuity Repayment Table

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 $10,000,000 loan is repaid amongst an annual annuity at an involvement charge per unit of measurement of 12% / yr for 8 years. If the annuity payment is rounded upwards inwards the hundreds of thousands, specify:
a. The sum of an annuity earlier as well as afterwards is rounded
b. Table of annuity repayment plan
c. Payment of final annuity

C = $10,000,000
i = 12%/year = 0.12/year
n = 8 years

a. The sum of annuity

So when rounded upwards inwards the hundreds of thousands, as well as hence the annuity is $2,100,000.

b. Table of annuity repayment plan 

Information :
Loan at the kickoff of twelvemonth ii = loan remainder at the cease of twelvemonth 1
Loan at the kickoff of the third twelvemonth = the remaining loan at the cease of twelvemonth 2, as well as hence on
Interest + installment of each course of report = annuity of rounding results upward, except the cease row (row 8)
Remaining loan at the cease of twelvemonth ane = loan kickoff 1st twelvemonth - 1st installment
Remaining minute twelvemonth cease loan = loan kickoff sec twelvemonth - sec installment, as well as hence on.
Last installment = loan at the kickoff of the final year.
C. Payment of the final annuity
$110,386.73 + $919,886.44 = $1,030,276,17.
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The cease of give-and-take wassalamualaikum wr. wb

Referensi :
  • To'Ali's mass math grouping accounting as well as sales